Kopano Blog Articles - Page 2

3 Things To Consider Before Moving To The Public Cloud
Friday, Sep 21, 2018

3 Things To Consider Before Moving To The Public Cloud

Recently we were scared twice: Google reads our emails and with Microsoft Office365, users can be monitored. I was surprised that apparently there are companies that let people read e-mails instead of automatically browsing through content… but that’s beside the point here. More important is the recurring insight that whoever has data, uses it.

LibreOffice Online Packages by Kopano Available for Download
Thursday, Apr 19, 2018

LibreOffice Online Packages by Kopano Available for Download

New packages for LibreOffice Online are now available for public download.

Your Data, Not Your Terms
Thursday, Mar 1, 2018

Your Data, Not Your Terms

As we always say, whatever technology you decide to use, make sure you are in control of your data. In a great talk, Univention CEO Peter Ganten showed us not a future dystopia, or a vision, but reality as it is right now. A reality where not we, but the largest technology companies in this world have control over our most valuable asset: data.

Kopano consolidates top Groupware place on UCS
Wednesday, Feb 28, 2018

Kopano consolidates top Groupware place on UCS

Univention has published their third party app popularity chart for February 2018 and Kopano came out on top for groupware again and in the number two position overall.

SEP sesam Tigon V2 adds Kopano support
Wednesday, Dec 20, 2017

SEP sesam Tigon V2 adds Kopano support

SEP AG has released an update; Tigon V2 ( Featuring a number of enhancements including support for the Kopano messaging platform.

Transparent Document Sharing with LibreOffice Online and Kopano
Tuesday, Oct 3, 2017

Transparent Document Sharing with LibreOffice Online and Kopano

Kopano has announced that they will integrate LibreOffice online into the Kopano collaboration software suite.

Kopano offers Mattermost the open alternative to Slack
Monday, Jul 3, 2017

Kopano offers Mattermost the open alternative to Slack

Kopano is extending its portfolio with the leading Open Source messaging platform Mattermost. Mattermost introduces a new mode of communication for business, and is the Open Source alternative for Slack!

April 30 2017 - Zarafa is dead, long live Kopano!
Friday, May 5, 2017

April 30 2017 - Zarafa is dead, long live Kopano!

With MS compatible software, Zarafa disrupted the groupware market and created the foundation of collaboration beyond email. For almost a decade Zarafa has offered an open source Exchange alternative. Zarafa served thousands of customers, who were interested in boosting their productivity and saving costs and differentiated with the compatibility to use existing closed source clients.

Kopano WebApp now runs on ZCP 7.2.5!
Thursday, Mar 2, 2017

Kopano WebApp now runs on ZCP 7.2.5!

Are you still running a Zarafa (ZCP) installation? We often hear that you are excited to check out the latest and greatest releases of Kopano WebApp, but that there is not enough time to schedule a major update to the newest Kopano Core release. We have now solved this for you!

Kopano roadmap & client comparison brochures
Monday, Oct 31, 2016

Kopano roadmap & client comparison brochures

A few weeks ago the Zarafa/Kopano team held their 9th annual groupware, communication and sharing conference.

Tags: Zarafa Kopano